Carrie Bradshaw’s Apartment

by | Feb 5, 2013 | Design

I ducked out of a Super Bowl party to sift through fabric and a wonderland of sites as I redecorate my Brooklyn abode. I felt slightly un-American for not really caring about Beyonce and the bowl, but I told myself I automatically score points having a football-coach-father, three alpha brothers and a pop culture day job. As I settled into One Kings Lane, West Elm, ABC Carpet & Home, Lulu & Georgia…I popped on the television for background noise. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Carrie Bradshaw. I never did watch the episodes in real time. In my late twenties, while preparing to move from LA to NYC, I caught some reruns. And now it’s just a sweet surprise when Carrie’s on the screen, showing off her style. From original decor to revamped post-Big blue walls, the refinery of Bradshaw is timeless.

fashion foie gras







carrie revamped

Images via  Fashion Foie Gras and HBO