Follow the Sun

by | Jun 19, 2013 | Inspiration

I gave the commencement speech at my high school and college graduation ceremonies. I don’t know what the chances of that are, but I’ll take it because in each instance I spoke about breathing in the air, not being afraid to care and choosing your own ground (thanks Pink Floyd). I am pretty sure I threw in a little diddy about ships not being safe in harbor. A bit cheeseball? For sure. Yet the overall meaning of all of it remains with me. Today it’s more about dreaming with care and following the sun. When I heard the song Follow the Sun by Xavier Rudd I had it on repeat for a while. Typical habitual musical behavior for me. It hit me like a hot note. So much so I must share the direction of love with you. Which way is the wind blowing? What does your heart say? Follow the music of the sun right here.
