We were standing on a balcony, boots in a bit of snow, gazing over a glorious skyline. It was my last day in Reykjavik and I was going on and on about my adoration of Iceland, to this perfect stranger, when he cut in and said: Yoko Ono loves it here. I laughed aloud, silently recalling a random run-in, just weeks before in Manhattan. I had sat beside Ms. Ono at a downtown sushi spot. Seeing her had prompted me to reminisce about my first cassette tape, a gift from my Uncle Joe, the song: Imagine. As a result, I had that soundtrack on repeat during my first flight to luminous Iceland. Of course, I see connections in everything. Call it a habit, call it whatever you want. But in that moment I knew I’d be back. And guess what? JBD is on a little break, just for a week or so. I bought the ticket. I’m taking the ride.
(p.s. buy the ticket, take the ride ~ quote via Hunter S. Thompson)