
by | Jan 17, 2019 | Travel

Hello, 2019! In the past year alone, I traveled through 16 countries on five continents. Each new piece of planet earth activated different senses. Why are we drawn to something, someone or some land more than others? Astrocartography, known as location astrology, offers some answers. It is the science of map making uniquely linked to your astrological birth chart.

Alexandra Clark of ASTRO/CARTO projects your natal chart (please know your birth date, exact time, location) over a map to determine your most supportive places around the world. She uses a custom blend of astrological techniques including Astrocartography, human design, local space, and geodetics. Alexandra brilliantly connected my human design type to the colorful lines of planetary influence to create a full picture about which cities and countries favor love, positive career risks and growth, community, money, and more. I was blown away by my intuitive knowing of some places she mentioned! For your own time-of-birth snapshot of the sky on a world map, reach out to ASTRO/CARTO. Playful self-discoveries await.