
by | Dec 21, 2014 | Inspiration

magic tree by jenny graham

What vibration are you putting out into the universe? Good vibrations, man. Good vibrations! As the year approaches its end and we swim from the New Moon into a holiday week, I have been meditating on each month of 2014. Struggles and sadness to joy, new romance and soul-growing adventures, I honor and thank all of the darkness and light that swirls in and out of my life. It’s a party of wisdom to be relished. Love what you do, surround yourself with people who carry the light, get into your heart, feel more. I wish you a Merry Christmas. I wish you a place in the world where you can look up at the sunlit sky or bright stars and know you are grounded but rising.  xx, JBD

Image Credit by Jenny Graham ~ Northern California, Fall 2014