Home Tour: Long Beach, California

by | May 1, 2013 | Design

Each time I visit my cousin, I cannot get enough of her Cal Bungalow. Built in the early 1940s, this Belmont Heights beauty is complete with a rooftop deck and lap pool. The recently revamped Long Beach abode credits the interior decor to designer Sasha Witte. A true home away from home, I couldn’t resist sharing some images of where I go to turn off the world and cozy into what matters most in life.

Carley LR After 2 L


Carley Crop 2 L


Carley LR After


Carley BRK After 2 L


long beach roof JBD

P.S. Later this summer, I’ll share photos of the soon-to-be Tuscan style outdoor dining experience which is currently underway at this lovely location.

Photos courtesy of Christine Carley